96 results
A Look Back At Portland Jazz: When the Joint Was Jumpin'
Written by Michael N. McGregor At 240 N. Broadway in Portland, a stone's throw from The Rose Garden where the Trail Blazers play their home …Holt Family Meal
This photograph is one of many which accompanied Oregon Journal coverage on October 16, 1955 of the much publicized adoption in which Harry and Bertha …Hermina "Billie" Strmiska Oral History
Hermina “Billie” Strmiska was thirty-five when she won the Oregon Shipbuilding Welderette contest in March 1943, beating out one hundred other women welders in the …Timbermen Using Chainsaw, Lacomb
This photograph of two men using a gas-powered chainsaw was published in the April 1944 issue of The Timberman, a Portland-based lumber industry magazine …Beach Gold Diggings
This sketch was published in Harper’s Monthly Magazine in October 1856. It shows gold miners working black sands near Randolph, a short-lived mining town located …Della Cramer at Southern Pacific Rail Yard
On Oct. 7, 1942, the Oregon Journal published this photograph of Della Cramer working as a rivet heater at the Southern Pacific Railroad in the …Vanport Residences, 1947
Built to address Portland’s World War II housing shortage, Vanport was called “The Miracle City.” Over 72,000 new workers arrived in Portland during the war. Industrialist, Henry …Lincoln High School Open Drive for Used Tin
An Oregon Journal photographer took this Feb. 4, 1942, photograph of Lincoln High School students (left to right) Jeri Lesher, Bettedale Simonton, and Shirley Schneider. …Weyerhaeuser Timber Company
At the time of this photo in 1941, Weyerhaeuser Klamath Falls employed approximately 1,200 men and produced 200 million feet of wood products each year. …Woman Irons in Electrified Kitchen, c. 1940
This photograph of E. H. Davis, from Eugene, Oregon, is also preserved in the National Archives, along with other photographs related to the efforts of …Interpretive Essays
Interpretive essays use primary documents from the Oregon Historical Society archives to help readers imagine the events, people, and issues that shaped Oregon history.